It is finally here!
Raven and I are pleased to offer our first adventure travel book Danger Peligros!
What are Peligros? That is a tough one to explain. They are the best and the worst of your day, travel, life. They are what draws us out from safe and comfy homes – the little itches that make such abodes feel too confining, too much the same. They are the essence of that moment when everything has gone horribly wrong and you are left thankful to be alive with parts that still add up to a functional whole. They are that moment when someone you don’t know lends you an unexpected, warm hand. They are when your luck goes from nonexistent to good, because you wouldn’t need good luck if things hadn’t looked scary for a time, now would you?
If you are reading this blog, you know what a Peligro is, only you just didn’t know what to call it.
And Boy have our three made it easy to forget about the trouble they’ve caused on our trips. You see, they brought us a book. And not just any book, but one featuring the best adventures (and misadventures) we’ve ever been on!
Raven and I have been traveling since we met on Martha’s Vineyard oh-so-many years ago now. From those early days barely surviving learning to sail on Vineyard Sound to more recent motorcycle trips through the Canadian Maritimes, we’ve had our share of trouble and of luck. Danger Peligros! collects some of those stories of our misadventures so that when you follow a Peligro out the door, you might be a little better informed!
Explore the best moments, mischief, and mayhem from the adventure travel website No Map Nomads. Whether by boot, by (motor)bike, by boat, or by whatever it takes, Raven and Weifarer will take you along to experience trips from sublime to nearly disastrous. With serendipity tucked into the saddlebags along with some capricious Peligros, every turn leads to the unexpected.
This book includes the complete story arc to Cruise Ship Mutiny, the Cabot Trail on motorcycle, memories of the first motorbike trip to Canada (in October no less), hikes on tropical islands and much more. If you like the adventure travel stories you find on No Map Nomads, you’ll enjoy this book.
Danger Peligros! is available at Amazon, Smashwords and soon distributed to many other ebook stores including Barnes & Nobles. Look for it at your favorite ebook shopping site. Follow the links below to get your copy.
Pick up a copy at Amazon or Smashwords.
And when you are done, stop back by and let us know what you think!