Introverts in the Age of Social Networking – Part 3: Advice from Niall Doherty Feb 25, 2011 Niall Doherty provides some final advice in how he has managed blog marketing and social networking – to think he says he was once an introvert too!
Introverts in the Age of Social Networking – Part 1: Social Wha?!? Feb 23, 2011 Some people have a knack for reaching out to others and then there are those of us who need a formula in order to get through small talk. Which makes running and marketing a blog very interesting . . . !
Introverts in the Age of Social Networking Pt 1a……Raven’s take on this stuff Feb 23, 2011 Adam chimes in with his experiences of being an introvert in a very social modern era. As you can see, sometimes it is best just to leave him alone!