The Traveling Writer Jan 7, 2015 Writing and traveling, be the trip vacation or work, can be an enjoyable part of the experience or a hassle, depending on equipment and mindset.
A Measure of Success Jul 11, 2012 If someone asked you if you’d like to be successful, I’m sure you’d say “YES!” Great! But first it helps to figure out exactly what success is . . .
Its About Being Happy, Dammit Jun 17, 2012 Everyone needs a compass to set the course of their life by. Some standard to which they can return and judge if a pursuit, job, or dream is worthwhile. Without this, you can wander aimlessly and never get anywhere. My guide is fairly simple.
Weifarer is e-Published! Feb 19, 2012 Weifarer takes another leap and joins the realms of e-published authors. Find out about future plans and where to find her first e-book!