Every once in awhile we find articles and ideas that could not be said better, so why try to say them ourselves? Patricia GW at her blog In Search of Mermaids recently posted What’s Your Travel Philosophy? In it she highlights the What, Who, Where, How, and Why of Travel. Below is an excerpt from the Why that had me groaning at my desk all day Friday. Great job Patricia!
People ask me why I want to travel, and I think to myself why not? It broadens your horizons, makes you think and see the world in ways you never even knew existed. You have the potential to meet some amazingly extraordinary people, and get wrapped up in events you hold in your heart for the rest of your life.
Why travel? Because I want to discover the effect of folklore and mythology on the modern world.
And I want to live my best life.
Neural pathways, man! Let’s get to building superbrain!!
When you discover something new, you create a new neural pathway in your brain. Bad habits are the result of taking the same neural path to react to a stimuli. For example: You tell a dirty joke (stimuli), I get nervous and bite my lip (reaction). You are in control of your own reactions! Travel brings us new stimuli, new experiences, new people, new customs, new LIFE! Your brain is just buzzing and lighting up like a pinball machine.
Guess how often that happens sitting at a desk, plugging in numbers, shoulders sagging?
Yeah. No superbrain. Just the same old shit, different day. You talk from a script, dress socially acceptable, and your brain gets so BORED it kills brain cells. Let’s jazz it up a little bit, eh? Travel to strengthen superbrain!
To read Patricia’s full article and other great writing go to In Search of Mermaids.