Great, so Weifarer’s most recent post turned into a cartoon over at Weifarer’s Wanderings. This has gone too far. So I started digging around.
Yup, it is just as we feared. I found Peligros nesting in the sleeping bags. Only got a glimpse of one before they scurried under some backpacks. But it is true, they’ve found us again and it looks like they are coming to stay!
I must say though, the one I saw does not look very threatening. It is cold outside here in Maine and I’d hate to kick them out of the yurt. I just need to convince Weifarer that they aren’t all trouble. There was that day one afternoon on the Cabot Trail. We pulled the motorcycles off at an overlook only to end up watching a pair of courting Ravens flying over the cliffs. She sure kept her potential mate guessing what he had to do to please her! When we got back on the road again, we descended through a cloud bank from the highlands to stop again to warm up at a pull off overflowing with wildflowers. The ocean was crashing against the cliffs below us as we dozed in the sun, watching butterflies.
I know there was a Peligro in Weifarer’s saddle bag that day. I kept seeing him stick his head out when I glanced back at her in my rear view mirror. I don’t know why she is complaining. Really, how much trouble could they be?