Hiking the Inca Trail Day 4: Machu Picchu
Day four of hiking the Inca Trail carries the expectations of the previous three, so it is a good thing the hike is short to reach Machu Picchu at long last!
True Nomads Need No Maps
Day four of hiking the Inca Trail carries the expectations of the previous three, so it is a good thing the hike is short to reach Machu Picchu at long last!
Sometimes topography and local weather can make a landscape feature just as difficult to see as a rare animal – like cloud shrouded volcanic peaks on small islands!
Day 3 on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is easy… if you don’t mind two hours descending stone steps and irate llamas guarding ruins!
Eleven hours of hiking with an elevation gain of 5,125 feet and loss of 3,423 feet across only 10 miles of horizontal travel, welcome to day two of hiking the Inca Trail!
Setting out to hike the Inca Trail was the achievement of a lifelong goal for me. Who knew that choosing a company and securing a trail pass was the easy part?
Photos capture memories. But every so often they can bridge a place or the people in them to capture an essence far beyond a moment in time.
The day before a big trip, the first big trip in years, and my thoughts turn to not only what I’ve packed in my bag but the perceptions I carry in my mind.
Sometimes you need a kick in the ass to make a change in your life. This was Raven’s
This holiday season, Raven and I are having a difficult time finding the spirit of the season. Last year on the 20th, we lost our beloved companion Sparky. So in fond and loving memory of all the fun times we enjoyed with our little guy, we share this story with you.
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