Post Trip: Inspiration or Depression?
A good trip leaves you altered in some way. So what do you do when you return home to find everything is exactly the same as when you left? Can an inspiring trip also create depression?
True Nomads Need No Maps
A good trip leaves you altered in some way. So what do you do when you return home to find everything is exactly the same as when you left? Can an inspiring trip also create depression?
Travel, be free, and actually reach our dreams. These are our goals. They seen reachable, No? Well for the longest...
Sometimes you need a kick in the ass to make a change in your life. This was Raven’s
HELLO!!! If you have been following us you would have noticed two things. The first thing is that this blog...
What did it really take to move us from a 200 year old house into a fabric walled yurt in Maine? Well . . . for starters it was a 200 year old house!
I’ve neglected to tell the story of how we ended up living in a yurt in Maine. As we approach our third anniversary of yurt construction, I thought it was high time to tell the tale. Plus, it makes a great preview of our next book here at Nomads: A Year in a Yurt!
Let us never forget the meaning of moving on.
Our crazy scheme to build our own house gets underway as we make final decisions on size and begin the foundation work. The question is: Do we really know what we are doing?
It might seem we’ve been away, but really Raven and I have been hard at work. Its just there is something odd going on . . . I hope this isn’t what I think it is . . . !
I’ve been taught the “planning process” involves a lot of discussion of alternatives and reviewing steps. I never realized that designing my home and then building it would provide such a fantastic example!
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